Plus size blouses add a chic edge to any outfit. They're also one of the most flattering garments in every wardrobe, adding length and sleekness to any physique. Their exceptional drape adds an element of sophistication that’s tough to beat. Original styling can transform the simplest blouse into a fashion masterpiece. When you have a limited wardrobe, you need one blouse to take 10 different forms. That's possible with a little creativity and imagination.
Every blouse deserves a thousand lives. Imaginative styling allows you to reinvent your garment every time you put it on. Those buttons create a hundred opportunities for a new look. Even a simple, white button down can go from the office to the restaurant if you undo the last five buttons and tie the ends in a knot. Alternatively, just take off that daytime kitten bow and substitute it for a sparkling chiffon scarf or add an under-layer and wear your blouse like a cardigan. If you're pairing a simple blouse with an elegant skirt, all you need is the right accessory to give your top extra elegance. Think of your plus size blouses as the customization tools of your wardrobe.
You won't know if you have creative flair until you exercise your creative muscles. This is the time to experiment, so try out different blouse knots and aesthetics in front of the mirror. Find out how ponchos and hats adapt to the style of your blouses. Try out various vests with different tops, always remembering that you can't learn without making a few mistakes. We even have plus size accessories that make experimentation easier. You'll soon find your inner fashionista. Of course, a browse through the Ulla Popken website will help. We have plenty of ideas to learn from.
The right blouse length can add height and reduce width if you focus your length just below the hips. This will conceal problematic belly areas while adding spice to your blouses. That doesn't mean all your blouses need to be that long, though. Shirttail extensions help you to achieve a flattering length without adding bulk. They're an affordable way to add layers to any outfit, and they have a role to play in the long blouse universe. Layering is all the rage for excellent reasons. Remember that you don't need to button your blouse all the way down, so leaving a little peaking hole for your extender will slim down your silhouette by creating a vertical line down your center.
When you’re combining accessories with blouses, pay attention to these rules of thumb:
Satin and fleece rarely work together, so a casual blouse needs its own unique approach to accessories. If your blouse has a laid-back feel, the rest of your outfit should as well. Casual fabrics include cotton, linen, and fleece. These are fabrics with a ruddy texture, so they require pants and skirts that are equally relaxed and chunky. Think denim, twill, or chinos. This isn't the moment for bling. A fun purse or belt will elevate your look far more effectively.